To Elevate our Standard of service, availability, and patient care, we are merging some locations — learn more here!
See a Utah Ophthalmologist
To see the vision professionals at Standard Optical, schedule an eye exam online or call 1-385-324-6985. Use our store locator to find a Utah optometrist. Find a Salt Lake City optometrist in 14 of our 19 locations.
Standard Optical can put your individual, customized prescription lens into nearly any frame for ideal performance sunglasses.
What People Say About Us

Standard Optical has been my go to eye doctor for years. Recently, I decided to get Lasik. Dr. Williams at the Sugarhouse location is the Lasik and PRK surgeon and he made sure to answer all the questions I had about both prodecures. Both my significant other and I got Lasik at Standard Optical and had fantastic results.

Whitney K.
I love my optometrist at Standard Optical and finally decided to get LASIK! Everyone in the office is friendly, and helped make me feel comfortable on the day. They gave clear instructions for after the procedure and my follow up appointments were thorough. I would definitely recommend Standard Optical to others.

Ashley J.